A greatest hits performance from the multi-million selling action game series Monster Hunter - "MONSTER HUNTER ORCHESTRA CONCERT" ONLINE!!
- 2022.09.02
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- 2022.08.26
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- 2022.06.15
- 公式サイトオープン!Official Website OPEN!
"MONSTER HUNTER ORCHESTRA CONCERT" is a greatest hits concert which the Hunters all over the world can enjoy the music of "Monster Hunter" with full orchestra performance.
The first orchestral Monster Hunter concert was held in 2009 to commemorate the game’s 5th anniversary, and it has continued to reimagine the live music experience annually since 2014 in Japan.
In 2019, the show toured 5 cities across the country in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the game, bringing unique and captivating content to fans.
In 2020, the orchestra concert was held online for the first time, for hunters all over the world to enjoy.
The upcoming “Monster Hunter Orchestra Concert 2022” will include a powerful combination of video visuals featuring beloved characters and monsters from the game, along with a full orchestra performance of tracks from the series.
In addition to the performance of hits from the world-renowned action game Monster Hunter, the tracks from the latest "Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak" will also be performed.
The conductor is Hirofumi Kurita, a maestro who has conducted 'Monster Hunter Orchestra Concert' for eight years since 2014. The orchestra is Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the most prestigious orchestras.
Join us for a special concert which hunters can enjoy the music of “Monster Hunter” with full orchestra performance.
- とこしえなる潮風を感じて
- 電の反逆者/ライゼクス
- 妖艶なる舞/タマミツネ
- 深い森の幻影/オオナズチ
- 閃烈なる蒼光/ジンオウガ
- 悪逆無道/マガイマガド
- 銀翼の凶星/バルファルク
- 朱に染むる夜宴/メル・ゼナ〜クエスト成功:Sunbreak ver.
- 風の絆 モンスターハンターストーリーズ2 version
- 旅立ちの風
- 光蝕む外套/ゴア・マガラ
- 継がれる光
- 幽衣より解き放たれし王〜王の座興/ムフェト・ジーヴァ
- Sunbreak
- Basking in Eternal Breeze
- A Shocking Scoundrel - Astalos
- A Bewitching Dance - Mizutsune
- Phantom of the Deep Forest - Chameleos
- Spark of Blue - Zinogre
- Barbarous Beast - Magnamalo
- Silver-winged Star - Valstrax
- Scarlet Feast - Malzeno ~ Quest Completed: Sunbreak Version
- Bonding Winds Monster Hunter Stories 2 version
- Winds of Adventure
- Brilliance Eclipsed - Gore Magala
- Succession of Light
- The Emperor Emerges From Under the Veil
~ For the Emperor's Amusement - Safi'jiiva - Sunbreak
From "MONSTER HUNTER ORCHESTRA CONCERT 2021- Bunkamura Orchard Hall”
料金 | ハンターシート(デザインチケット・限定グッズ付) 12,000円 *全席指定、税込 |
プレイガイド |
公演チケットに関するお問い合わせ | ローソンチケット |
公演に関するお問合せ | ディスクガレージ 050-5533-0888(平日12:00~15:00) |
視聴チケット料金 | オンライン視聴券:3,500円
配信地域 | 全世界(一部地域を除く) |
チケット販売期間 | 2022年8月11日(木) 15:00 〜 9月4日(日) 21:00 |
アーカイブ配信期間 | 公演終了後 〜 9月4日(日) 23:59まで |
視聴方法、配信チケットに関するお問合せ | Zaiko |
Ticket Price |
Streaming Area |
World Wide (excluding some areas) |
Ticket Sales |
15:00 on Thursday, August 11th, 2022 〜 21:00 on Sunday, September 4th, 2022(JST) |
Limited Video on Demand |
After the performance 〜 23:59 on Sunday, September 4th, 2022(JST) |
Contact about Streaming and Ticket | Zaiko |
*Before purchasing the tickets, please read the notes on the website of each platform carefully and make sure that you have an internet environment / recommended environment suitable for watching videos.
*After purchasing the tickets, it cannot be canceled, changed or refunded for reasons other than postponement or cancellation of the event.
*There is a possibility that the video and audio may be disturbed, temporarily interrupted, or terminated in the middle due to any problems with the Internet system. In that case, please note that the ticket fee will not be refunded.
*The organizer is not responsible for any problems caused by your internet environment or viewing environment.
*The organizer owns all rights to this video. Recording and shooting with cameras and smartphones are all prohibited.
*If you have any questions about streaming or purchasing tickets, please contact each platform.
指揮:栗田 博文
Conductor: Hirofumi Kurita

1988年、第23回東京国際音楽コンクール指揮部門において第1位優勝を果たし、翌年、国内主要オーケストラを指揮しデビュー。1989年に渡欧。同年、第1回アントニオ・ペドロッティ国際指揮者コンクール(イタリア)に入賞し国際的な評価を確立。1995年、第1回シベリウス国際指揮者コンクール(フィンランド)の最高位に輝く。同年、フィンランド放送交響楽団より招かれ、ヨーロッパデビューを果たし大好評を博す。国内外の活発な指揮活動とともに、国立音楽大学客員教授を務め、後進の指導にも力を注いでいる。クラシック音楽の古典から現代作品まで、幅広いレパートリーを持つほか、様々なジャンルとのコラボレーションも積極的に行っている。 栗田博文ブログ http://hirofumi-kurita.com/
Won First Prize of “The 23rd TOKYO INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION for CONDUCTING” in 1998, and started to conduct the major orchestras in Japan. Flew to Europe in 1989, and on the same year won the Antonio Pedrotti International Conducting Competition (Italy), becoming internationally known. In 1995, won Sibelius International Conducting Competition (Finland). Then was invited by Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, and made his debut performance in Europe. Today he performs in Japan and globally, and is also a professor of Music University and is enthusiastically teaching music. Performing from classic to modern, he is capable of conducting a wide variety of genre, including collaborations with artists.
Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra

1911年創立。日本のオーケストラとして最古の歴史をもち、メンバー約160名、シンフォニーオーケストラと劇場オーケストラの両機能を併せもつ。名誉音楽監督チョン・ミョンフン、首席指揮者アンドレア・バッティストーニ、特別客演指揮者ミハイル・プレトニョフ。自主公演の他、新国立劇場他でのオペラ・バレエ演奏、NHK他における放送演奏で高水準の演奏活動を展開。また、海外公演も積極的に行い、国内外から高い注目を集めている。1989年からBunkamuraオーチャードホールとフランチャイズ契約を結んでいる。東京都文京区、千葉県千葉市、長野県軽井沢町、新潟県長岡市と事業提携を結び、各地域との教育的、創造的な文化交流を行っている。 公式ウェブサイト https://www.tpo.or.jp/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TokyoPhilharmonic
Twitter https://twitter.com/tpo1911
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tokyophilharmonicorchestra/
In 2011, the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra celebrated its 100th anniversary as Japan’s first symphony orchestra. With about 130 musicians, TPO performs both symphonies and operas regularly. TPO is proud to have appointed Maestro Myung-Whun Chung as Honorary Music Director, Maestro Andrea Battistoni as Chief Conductor and Maestro Mikhail Pletnev as Special Guest Conductor.
TPO has established its world-class reputation through its subscription concert series, regular opera and ballet assignments at the New National Theatre, and a full, ever in-demand agenda around Japan and the world, including broadcasting with NHK Broadcasting Corporation, various educational programs, and tours abroad.
TPO has partnerships with Bunkamura Orchard Hall, the Bunkyo Ward in Tokyo, Chiba City, Karuizawa Cho in Nagano and Nagaoka City in Niigata.

オーストラリア出身。ヴォーカリスト、ヴァイオリニスト、作詞作曲家、コピーライター、翻訳家。2012年ユニバーサル ミュージックよりメジャーデビュー。発売されたアルバムは全てクラシック・チャート第1位を獲得。2015年デイヴィッド・フォスター・プロデュースのディズニー・アルバム『We Love Disney』に参加。「太陽の家」50周年記念式典にて上皇上皇后両陛下の御前で国歌独唱。2019年イタリア・ミラノ ヴェルディ劇場にて自身初のヨーロッパ公演を行い観客を魅了。同年7月サントリーホール 大ホールで行われた「Sarah Àlainn Symphonic Concert 2019」では自身が脚本・舞台演出をトータルで手がけた。フジテレビの人気音楽番組「MUSIC FAIR」から生まれたヴォーカルユニット「LA DIVA」(森山良子、平原綾香、新妻聖子、サラ・オレインによる女性ヴォーカル4人組)によるアルバム『LA DIVA -TV LIVE-』を2022年2月16日にリリース。2022年5月20日、デビュー10周年記念アルバム『One』を発表。
Vocalist, violinist, multi-instrumentalist, composer, copywriter, radio and TV host.In 2012 Sarah was signed to Universal Music Japan (Classical & Jazz) and all her albums have reached #1 on the Japanese charts. Sarah worked together with 16 time Grammy Award winning record producer David Foster on the Disney special anniversary album We Love Disney, singing Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas.Sarah directs, produces, stages her own solo shows, including ‘Cinema Music’, the Live Blu-ray/DVD which reached #1 on the Japanese classical charts. She is also a member of La Diva (a unit featuring 4 of Japan’s top-selling female artists including Ryoko Moriyama, Seiko Niizuma and Ayaka Hirahara), and Millennial Fair (a band lead by composer Yasunori Mitsuda performing his works from game music including Chrono Cross).Sarah performed the Japanese National Anthem in front of the Emperor and Empress of Japan, and the Royal Family, Prince and Princess Akishino. She held her European debut concert at the Verdi Theatre in Busseto, Italy in 2019.On 20 May 2022 Sarah released her album One commemorating 10 years since her debut album release.

毎週月曜日19:30からニコ生、YouTubeにて「HIDE×HIDEチャンネル」生放送中! HIDExHIDEチャンネル https://ch.nicovideo.jp/hide-hide
公式ウェブサイト https://www.hide-hide.net
Japanese instrument unit HIDE×HIDE is organized with Hideki Ishigaki, bamboo flute Shakuhachi player and Hideki Onoue, Shamisen player.They grew up in the world of Japanese traditional music, and have the art of performance and wonderful expressiveness cultivated from infancy.They show a fresh fascination of Japanese traditional instruments and receive a great publicity with their good-looking and visible performance.In their 2nd Album "nostalgia"(2009/8/7 sales) that first-ever released in Japan and Russia simultaneously, they pursued a fine tone that Shakuhachi and Shamisen have, at the same time, they were expanded their own range of expression.The emotional, dramatic performance receives also high acclaim in Russia.Since 2009, they have participated as the backing on tour of Fuyumi Sakamoto who is Japanese traditional ballad singer.They also participate in Japanese traditional instrument group "AUN-J Classic Orchestra" that is another project, and energetic performance is played out.In participates in the International Music Contest "TEREM CROSSOVER 1st International Music Competition" with acoustic musical instruments held in St. Petersburg, Russia in March, 2010. Participated by the trio who added a piano player Shuhei Kamimura who were arranged all the music of their 2nd album, and they got the victory.

東京音楽大学ピアノ科卒業。在学中より鶴田流琵琶を田中之雄氏に師事。2010年NHK邦楽技能者育成会第55期修了。2011年第8回東京邦楽コンクールにて(公財)日本伝統文化振興財団賞受賞。(株)T&K社 Pick up CD『日本・夢・ノスタルジー』録音参加。NHK番組 にっぽんの芸能『花鳥風月堂』に鶴田流琵琶奏者・熊田かほり氏と共に出演。2013年第50回日本琵琶楽コンクールにて第1位ならびに文部科学大臣賞、日本放送協会会長賞、日本琵琶楽協会会長賞、鶴田錦史賞、辻靖剛賞、石田琵琶店賞を受賞。平成25年度板橋区区民文化優秀賞受賞。2016年11月、初のソロリサイタルを日本橋劇場にて開催。NHK-FMラジオ番組 『邦楽のひととき』に出演。 日本琵琶楽協会、鶴翔会、会員。日中韓の伝統楽器による管絃楽団、オーケストラ アジア団員琵琶・尺八ユニット『百夜月~ももよづき~』メンバー。桐朋学園芸術短期大学非常勤講師。古典曲、現代邦楽、演歌やゲーム音楽など、幅広いジャンルで演奏活動をしている。
Momoka Enomoto received her diploma of piano at Tokyo College of Music on March in 2008. She also got attracted to Japanese lute, Biwa, after the manner of Tsuruta and has been studying it with Yukio Tanaka since in college, besides piano.When she was still in college, she became a member of the philharmonic “Orchestra Asia” which is composed of the musicians of the traditional musical instruments from Japan, China, and Korea. In 2009, Enomoto became a member in the 55th batch of young musicians for training of successors of the traditional Japanese musical instrument at the NHK (Japan Broadcasting Association) training institute.In 2011, Enomoto won the Japan Traditional Cultures Foundation Award at the 8th Tokyo Hogaku Competition. At the 50th Japan Biwa Competition of 2013 she won the 1st prize and the Commendation by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan Broadcasting Association Chairman's Award, Japan Biwa Association Chairman’s Award, and a multitude of Awards above and beyond.From 2015 Enomoto has worked for Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music as a part-time instructor. She gives various kinds of performance from classical to contemporary Japanese music, attending various domestic and international performances. She is a member of Japan Biwa Association and KakuSho-kai Society.

これまでにソロCD「バロック&バルレッタ」、ヴァイオリンとのデュオCD「コントラプント」、バンドネオンデュオCD「展覧会の絵」をディスククラシカジャパンよりリリース。2018年、加養浩幸指揮・土気シビックウインドオーケストラと山下康介、松浦伸吾各氏の委嘱作品を録音しリリース。2021年には自身のユニット“Tres Patatas”の1stCD「碧空に雲を引く」をリリース。
Keiichiro Shozu was born in Ishikawa, Japan in 1981. He graduated from the department of education,majored musical composition in Saitama University. He studied Bandoneon under Ryota Komatsu.After that, he went over to Buenos Aires, Argentina in February and March in 2002, and from March in 2004 to January in 2006. There he studied under Alejandro Barletta (1925-2008) who was the first Bandoneon player of classical music in the world. Also he studied under Rene Marino Rivero (1935-2010) who was the disciple of Barletta in Montevideo, Uruguay. During staying in Argentina, he joined a lot of concerts and held some recitals in Casa de la Cultura en Adrogue, Casa de la Cultura en Buenos Aires, and Museo de Fernandez Blanco. In addition, he appeared in the interview program of the nationwide radio station the first Japanese bandoneon player.After he returned to Japan, he mainly played solo bandoneon in the recitals at concert halls and churches. He played the works of Barletta and Rivero for the first Public performance in Japan. He accompanied the flute, the violin, the oboe, a soprano, a vocal ensemble, and a recitation on the bandoneon. And released 4 CD, are solo, and the violin, and the bandoneon and in his trio.He asks for Seiya Suzuki the musical composition and Ryunosuke Okada the baroque musical theory and a way of playing.Recently, he, as the first classical bandoneon player in Japan, continues playing and investigating the possibility in the bandoneon in the classical musical that Barletta once did.

14歳でギターを始め、中学高校とギター三昧。 高校卒業後、洗足学園音楽大学ジャズコースに入学。
Born in April 15th, 1980 in Tokyo. Blood type B.
At the age of 14 he started playing the guitar.
He devoted most of his time to play the guitar when he was in his junior high and high school.
After graduating from high school, he went to Senzoku Gakuen College of Music and majored in jazz course.
He has been actively working on his band, artist support, session live, recordings after his graduation from the college.
He has recently been playing games’ soundtracks and arrange version.
He has worked with Yuzo Koshiro, Kenji Ito, Noriyuki Iwadare, Kenji Nakajo, Hiroki Kikuta, Yoko Shimomura, Tsutomu Narita and Noriyuki Kamikura for their recordings and live concerts.
合唱:Voces Tokyo
CHOIR: Voces Tokyo

東京を中心に活動する気鋭の声楽アンサンブル。2015年組織。 以後アンサンブル能力の高い声楽家を中心に構成し、オーケストラとの共演やスタジオレコーディング等を重ねる。 これまでに、『Linked Horizon Live Tour 進撃の軌跡』、五嶋みどり主催『ミュージックシェアリングコンサート』、 『鬼滅の刃オーケストラコンサート"鬼滅の奏”』、映画『翔んで埼玉』、『ゴジラS.P〈シンギュラポイント〉』など 60を超えるコンサートや作品制作に参加。 また、2019及び2021年に国内外の現代作品を中心とした主催公演『カセクシス1・2』を開催するなど、活動の幅を広げている。
An up-and-coming vocal ensemble based in Tokyo, organized in 2015. Since then, the ensemble has been composed mainly of vocalists with high ensemble skills, and has performed with orchestras and made studio recordings. They have performed in over 60 concerts and productions, including "Linked Horizon Live Tour", "Music Sharing Concert" hosted by Midori Goto, "Demon Slayer" Orchestra Concert “Kimetsu-no-Kanade", the movie “Fly me to the Saitama", and "Godzilla S.P. (Singular Point)". They has participated in over 60 concerts and productions. In 2019 and 2021, they are also expanding their activities by organizing " Cathexis 1 & 2," a series of performances focusing on contemporary works from Japan and abroad.
Chorus Master: Yoshinori Koba
MC: Yuki Usami

AKB48 1期生。
A first-generation member of AKB48.
She has recently been working as a radio host, narrator, master of ceremonies for events.
She has worked in various events and radio including BayFM and Tokyo FM as a popular radio host. The number of her fans is increasing as she works as a PR ambassador for Misato-shi, her hometown.
She has been the master of ceremonies for Monster Hunter events since it was held for the first time in 2007.
"Monster Hunter" series producer
Ryozo Tsujimoto will also join the crew and deliver
a behind the scenes speech.
本体 約38cm×36cm / 持ち手 約6cm×29cm / マチ 約12cm
'Please use the hashtag "#MonsterHunterOrchestraConcert2022"
in your Tweets and let's liven up the concert!!